Josepi Market
Josepi shadow
josepi not giuseppe

JOSEPI not Giuseppe

We are known as Josepi or Josepi Market or Josepi NYC
We are a one of the Leader companies in Web Design and SEO Services in the States
We are not affiliate with any other similar name or brand you may find it online.

What it means Josepi or Giuseppe?

Actually both have the same meaning "JOSEPH" or JOE" in English language
and same like any religious name that can be translated to almost all languages
Giuseppe is the right spelling in Italian language, Josepi is written same way you pronounce it in Italian.

About Josepi

2001 Josepi starts as Web hosting company in Brooklyn NY, using dba
2003 Josepi starts using the name Josepi as a web designer and offering almost 40 PHP turnkey website,
and used the name as our name was taken at this time.
2012 became our official website for all our web services.
2016 Josepi offered all the SEO services for public and not only for agencies
and we started to recreate our website and our new store and we expect it to be done by the end of 2020

We are an web Design & Development Company. We focus on SEO based Website Design .
We offer many services that can help you to achieve your goals online for an affordable rate.
We don't use builders, frameworks, plugins...
We create website from scratch with a unique design for your home and main pages.
We save you time and money, because we know what we are doing.
Promise your website will appear online the same day of your order

web design by Josepi
  • Unique Full Custom Web Design
  • Ecommerce & Shopping Cart Websites
  • Pre Designed Template Customization
  • CD Presentation-Flash and PowerPoint
  • Web Hosting & Domain Registration
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Logo & Corporate Identity Design
  • Payment Gateway & Merchant Accounts