Freelancers are Welcome:
We can deal with any freelancer or service providers worldwide.
We can provide you small gigs on a regular basis, that can keep you busy at least 10 hours a day.
We pay you via Payoneer in case Paypal is not valid in your country.
We prefer to deal with you with only one of the following services that you can provided in a professional way and with a competative rate.
Please apply and mention the service that you can offer and price.
- Social Media
- Off Site Optimization
- On Site Optimization
- Web Design
- Mobile App
- Digital Marketing
- Reputation & Reviews
- Press Release
- Backlinks
- Others
Full time Job:
- Min 5 Years Experience in Web business
- US Resident with
- Person with business mentality
Prefer previous business owners.
- Knows how to create Website from scratch
- Can work on weekends and Holidays
- Valid passport to travel abroad
Part time Job:
- Min 2 Years Experience in Web business
- US Resident
- Valid driver license
- Can work on weekends
- Accept to work at our clients office